Thursday, January 8, 2009


Just a quick update: I leave tomorrow to go to my site in Masai country near Amboseli. I am really excited, but oh so nervous to be on my own! I left my homestay family feeling very ready to come back and visit them at the end of the three month term. I will start teaching on Monday, but won't have to do a ton of teaching for the first few weeks. I will hopefully get some pictures up of my new house. I apparently have electricity, an indoor and outdoor toilet, but no running water. It is hot. There are zebras. Giardia is not the time of my life! Kenya is awesome, and there is Gelato in Nairobi, which is amazing (butterscotch yesterday and strawberry cheesecake today...mmmm).

1 comment:

saradod said...

Ah, Carly I'm so happy that you'll finally be at the site. I'll be praying for you that everything goes well on your first day. Though I guess if I pray in the morning on Monday it'll already be mid-afternoon or something like that for you- ugh, time zones for the lose! Inside/outside toilets for the win!